“Thank you so much for a truly excellent and memorable day yesterday. It far exceeded my expectations and we both enjoyed the day enormously!”
This was the reaction from one of the participants after this amazing day out, driving a 2CV through the beautiful back roads of Hampshire and Sussex.
In the morning of the 28th August, fifteen couples arrived for coffee, bacon butties and their briefing on how to drive a 40 year old Citroen 2CV, and navigation using the tulip rally roadbook and a Brantz rally trip meter.

The duos, and one trio, set off at 30 second internals, with varying degrees of anticipation and excitement for the day ahead! There were honks and waves, mixed with bunny hopping cars and a lot of laughter. As well as having to master the navigation, driving and foibles of our beautiful little French cars, there was also a pictorial quiz to complete!
By lunchtime, everyone had a story to tell – getting lost, loving the views and enjoying the driving! We had drinks in the sun before a delicious lunch was served in a private room in a lovely old country pub. The winners of the hotly contested quiz were announced to much applause!
With renewed enthusiasm, the cars set off again along the foot of the South Downs and narrow local roads before arriving back for tea and cakes and another chance to discuss the days adventures and say goodbye to new-found friends.
They all agreed that it really is ‘The most fun you can have on 4 wheels!’
“I can’t wait to come on another of these days – Darcia was such fun to drive and there was never a dull moment”.