Jeztival was organised by Jeremy for all his old University friends. Most of them were new to the area but they had no problem in navigating themselves 135km around the New Forest with the help of the route book and Brantz rally trip meter fitted in each car.
The route took them via the local back roads of Beaulieu, Lyndhurst, Brockenhurst and Romsey, exploring little used roads and picturesque villages.
The route book included some great photos of the participants university days as well as present day photos, more than 30 years later and, as if that wasn’t too much of a distraction, they also had a quiz of 23 photographs which they had to locate and mark as to which waypoint they could be found on.
It is quite a challenge for each car, for the driver who is driving an unfamiliar car, on unfamiliar roads while the navigator is learning to navigate with a tulip route book in conjunction with the rally trip meter and make sure the driver makes the correct turn at the correct point, while they are both on the lookout for quiz photos which aren’t in any order! Never a dull moment! Well done!
They all found their way back to base for a well-earned drink and a delicious lunch!