The Reverse Steer Challenge

“I just can’t seem to get my brain to work out which way to turn the wheel, however slowly I am going!”

“When is it my turn again?  I want to beat my last time!”

The Reverse Steer Challenge is just that – A Challenge!  Some master the concept very quickly and have no problem turning the wheel hard left when one wants to go right but others end up flattening flags and cones. Generally heading in totally the wrong direction, much to the amusement of their friends or colleagues!

“Just you wait until it is your turn” cries the driver!

The course is set up to test your ‘go straight between two rows of cones’ abilities as well as ‘go round in a circle to the right while holding the wheel hard left’ and then switching to a circle offering the opposite challenge!  

There is of course the added stress of knowing that the clock is ticking and your friend completed the course in 1.6 minutes and you have already taken 3 minutes!

Also, every mistake is noted by your colleagues to hoots of laughter and shouted instructions but what can the driver do but plough on hoping the brain’s automatic pilot will kick in and you can cruise to the finish line in style.

The good news is that you get to have another go!  You know you can do better and this time your brain will crack the code and you will have no problem seeing a right turn and pulling the wheel to the left!  Yes, one can dream but then again you could crack it!

I dare you to try!