The brief was “We’d like 18 2CV’s and a Citroen DS in Tours, France on 20th May”. This was quite a challenge but, on the 18th May, 19 friends turned up at our base, bright eyed at 6am on a Sunday. Each to drive a car to the Portsmouth ferry and beyond!
Having cleared customs in France by late afternoon, we proceeded to drive in convoys of 2-4 cars, direct to Tours and the beautiful Chateau de la Bourdaisiere. There, our client was hosting a 1920’s masked party and the arrival of a fleet of 2CV’s sweeping up the drive, caused quite a stir! The cars were lined up, cleaned up, magnetic door panels with Team names fixed ready for the festivities the next day. With the 2CV drivers hopping on a bus to Tours for the night.

The following morning, after our breakfast briefing, the clients all climbed into their 2CV’s and set off on a mystery tour, armed with iPad’s supplied by ClueGo, who provide exciting action-packed team building and social experiences for groups. It was a wonderful day, driving from one challenge to the next. At lunch, the winning team was announced to much cheering.
As the clients arrived back at the Chateau, the 2CV drivers arrived from Tours following a day’s sightseeing. With farewells said, we drove north for an hour to our favourite hotel. The Hotel de France – the perfect place to celebrate a most successful trip!
In the morning, we pointed our 2CVs north and headed for Ouistreham to take the ferry back to Portsmouth and then onwards to Oakhanger. Our drivers had done a fabulous job of relaying the cars, there and back. All had entered into the spirit of the occasion, and would agree, it really is the most fun you can have on 4 wheels!